Pubg google play store update : mobile lite global version released, know about update size and new features

Pubg google play store update
Pubg mobile Lite had released it’s new update 0.20.0. This update was released after the update released of 0.19.0 . This latest change won’t effect on the Gameplay. Pubg lovers can download this update from the Google Play Store. Google play store is the place where you can download any application or games which you wanna play or use. Pubg mobile lite had officially clears through its twitter handle. Where they had written as that new mountain awaits for the players.
From this update of Pubg Gaming game had new features like winter theme lobby, winter castle location, festival decorations of winter, latest Amaging frozen eggs and more amazing features.
Winter castle location
This latest update of Pubg had updated Varenga map. This is the key highlight of the updated game. This is the amazing loot between the players . It’s quite tough to get it. You have to cross waters map to reach this amazing island.
Festival decorations
In the spawn island creators of this gameplay had updated with new multiple structures. This season Pubg had little bit improved with the snow. On the map from snowboards to mountain peaks has been covered with the snow. Pubg players are loving this update on the gameplay.
Frozen egg
Now, Pubg players can cover themselves without ice frog or we can say frozen egg. This is the latest item in the game play. Players can through this frozen egg and cover themselves from being kill.
Universal marks
This is also feature in the latest update of Pubg. Now players can easily set a mark on location, supplies and costumes as well.
New winter theme lobby
Some youtubers are guessing that latest update on Pubg will bring winter themed lobby. It will look like Christmas tree. It had not arrived yet in the game but it will be available within a short period of time. Then players can use it it as they want it.
Sum of other features have been changed in this latest Pubg game update on Google Play Store. Like winner pass rank from level 30 to level 14 has increased in daily missions and there is some enhanced security features updated complete change will be shown after the next session started